Update: The top candidate has now been implemented. See Let's change the temporary logo from "Cn" to 漢?
In the post Chinese Language temporary logo the idea of a temporary Chinese.SE logo was raised (see also Logo Design for Chinese Language & Usage Site from 7 years ago).
Other sites have used this to great effect, which can be seen at Area 51; for example: Chess.SE uses a rook ♜, Poker.SE uses a club ♣, and so on. Currently the logo is "Cn" which, in my opinion, is not "special".
What we need to consider:
it must be a unicode symbol that renders in most browsers,
it needs to distinguish Chinese vs. Japanese (e.g. 文, 中, and 語 are also Japanese),
potential issues with simplified vs. traditional Chinese (choosing traditional seems less controversial: mainland China sometimes uses traditional hanzi for logos),
Chinese.SE allows questions about all Chinese dialects, and includes all aspects of the Chinese language, speaking, writing, etc. (affecting 言),
it should distinguish the Chinese language vs. China itself (affecting 中 and 华/華), and
if you're choosing a logo it should be a good "favicon" in a browser -- HostileFork
This is particularly pertinent for Hot Network Questions, where the logo is very small. This also affects item 3 (simplified vs. traditional).
I'll list candidates as answers to this post to vote on. I deliberately present the suggestions in the previous post without any context, as any logo that's implemented will be seen without any context. Please use the previous post to discuss context.
I only present the candidates from Chinese Language temporary logo which I consider to have a chance at being voted to the top: 夏, 汉, 漢, and 永. My opinion is that any one of these would be better than "Cn".
Please vote on the following possibilities. Please ensure you make only one upvote. We can distinguish upvotes from downvotes, so I'm hoping downvotes can be used to indicate strong disagreement ("hold on, you've missed something important...").