I'm going to post this as an answer because it's kinda long for a comment, and I wish to draw attention on the importance of the review queue.
I did see the post being close by Tang Ho, and though that was the correct course of action.
Then I completely missed the fact it was reopened. Not long after, I saw the post in the review queue and incorrectly chose "No action needed".
I read the title, and thought it sounded legit enough "What are some modern Chinese girl names?" without paying enough attention to the actual content of the post.
So that's surely a bad review on my part. Close/open reviews are available from 500 rep on this site and are an important gateway to spot inadequate content early. We have usually very short queues, so it's definitely possible to take the necessary time to make sure the review is appropriate. (I'm mostly telling this to myself).
With that out of the way, please let me highlight a different issue here: should moderators even reply to off-topic questions in the first place? Let's assume always good faith; nevertheless, in my opinion, it generates some degree of entropy.
So now I come to the OP's question:
Question: Why is "What are some modern chinese girl names?" receiving answers instead of votes to close?
On Chinese.SE the rep threshold to cast close/reopen votes is 500. That's low for the Stack Exchange standards, if we take reputation as a measure of the user's experience with how this website works (not just as a measure of quality of contributions). Navigating Meta Stack Overflow, where most of the community knowledge about the functioning of the network resides, is utterly extenuating. It's an abyss of hyperlinks.
So diamond behavior is going to be the only realistically viable way to influence and direct the behavior of less experienced users on lower traffic sites as Chinese.SE.
I'm going to conclude that the consistency of users' responses to any community issue is directly proportional to the consistency of diamonds' response to those same issues.
Anyway, I did a bad review.