My post Where is the verb in reduplication of adjectives "Noun + Adj + Adj + 的"? was originally confusing because I didn't understand some ideas and I asked too many things. Then, as some of the answers addressed some questions but I still had some other doubts, I posted a new question How "Noun + Adj + Adj + 的" (reduplication of adjectives) is grammatically equivalent to "Noun + (Adv of degree) + Adj"? which asked something very related and still was confusing.
Now, I finally pinpointed my confusions and thought about sorting all that mess. I rewrote the first answer with the precise question I wanted to ask (but was hidden between my original questions). However, now the answers don't exactly apply to the question. Also, I thought about deleting the second post as now has becomes useless and confusing, but I can't do it because people already answered it. So, for now I just closed it as a duplicate. How should I address this matter?